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5 Steps to Enhance Your Natural Beauty (Fight the Signs of Aging Skin!)

What is natural beauty? Some people might say its that no-makeup-makeup look done just right. Or that perfect glow you get when you leave your facial appointment. Natural beauty can mean looking good au naturale, sure. But sometimes, its as plain and simple as loving the skin youre in.

Enags Beauty Anti Aging Cream

Look Good, Feel Good

The way we look on the outside tends to reflect whats happening on the inside. When were sick, depressed, or sleep-deprived, we often wear those things right on our faces. On the flip side, you may have noticed that when you take the time to give yourself a little skincare, nourishment, or exercise, it boosts your confidence and enhances your mood. Its so easy to fall into a slump and let self-care go by the wayside, but trust us, it pays to pause and give yourself some love: a face mask, your favorite t-shirt, a double coat of mascara — whatever it means to you!

5 Steps to Enhance Your Natural Beauty (and Fight the Signs of Aging Skin!)

If you think natural beauty is only for those under the age of 25, think again! Here are our top ten beauty tips for enhancing your natural look.


1. Catch Up On That Beauty Sleep

You may not consider sleep a part of your beauty routine, but this is a biggie. Not getting enough sleep is a surefire way to develop bags under your eyes and even breakouts, but its also unhealthy for just about every system of the body. The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours of sleep for adults between the ages of 26-64 years old. Getting less than that for long stretches of time can affect our mental health, immune system, and even our skin. Needless to say, none of those are conducive to natural beauty.” Making sleep a priority is number one. But, for extra credit, try sleeping on your back, which prevents wrinkles from forming — or use a silk pillowcase to reduce friction against your hair and face.

2. Hydrate, And Hydrate Some More

When we say hydrate, we mean from the inside and the outside. You may be tired of hearing it, but the truth is, you should be drinking more water. Research suggests that drinking more water positively influences the physiology of our skin. But thats not the whole picture! You should also be hydrating from the outside in with products that support your skins natural moisture levels, such as Our Moisturizing Cream. This diamagnetic cooling serum contains hyaluronic acid, which improves moisture retention and visibly plumps skin. Youll see an instant glow with just one use, and over time, those results will stick.

3. Buff It Out

For a soft, bright, beaming complexion, you need to exfoliate regularly. Dead, dry skin cells leave the skin looking drab and tired — and as we age, our skin cells dont turn over on their own as quickly as they used to. Exfoliating stimulates cell turnover, softening fine lines, and leaving behind a bright new layer of skin. So, make sure youre using a gentle scrub once or twice a week — or as an alternative, invest in a face acid serum for a milder chemical exfoliation. Lactic acid, salicylic acid, and malic acid, when used on the regular, promote that fresh-as-new baby skin, without so much as a drop of makeup.

4. Tread Lightly

Just because it works for your friend, or your sister, or that one Instagram blogger you follow doesnt mean its right for you. But one thing that does ring true for everyone: Take it easy. What does that mean? It means using a mild cleanser — no harsh soaps or overly rough scrubs. It means washing your face and showering with warm — not blazing hot — water. It means patting your skin dry rather than rubbing it with a towel. It means, for the love of all things skincare, moisturize twice a day — at least! Be nice to your skin, and it will be nice to you.

5. Stress Less

If only it were that simple, right? Staying on top of your emotional wellbeing is easier said than done, but trust us, the pay-off is huge. When our stress levels are high, our bodies produce a surplus of cortisol, otherwise known as the stress hormone. Excess cortisol can have a negative impact on our nails, hair, and skin. It also wreaks all kinds of havoc on the body, making it harder to ward off disease, get much-needed rest, and protect against external damage like that caused by UV rays or pollution. Stressing less not only makes you feel better (which is number one!), but for what its worth, multiple studies (like this one and this one) have also shown that humans find those with lower levels of cortisol more attractive. So, meditate, do yoga, take breaks, and seek therapy if you need it. Dont forget, your mind and body work together to keep us both pretty and well!

What It All Means

Gone are the days when wed eat junk food all day, spend hours on end in the sunshine, and stay up until the crack of dawn — yet still look fresh-faced and angelic. But just because we all have to grow up at one point or another doesnt mean we have to work that hard to maintain our natural beauty or highlight our best features. In truth, eating right, exercising, keeping up with your skincare routine, and sleeping well make up just about the full recipe. What youll get from those steps goes far beyond skin deep,” affecting your psyche, your immune health, your circulatory system, and just about everything in between. You can also find all you need on our Website. Remember, the way you feel directly correlates to the way you look — and vice versa. Mother Nature gave you something special; make the most of it!

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